Recumbent dealers around the world 3.

The last set of recumbent dealers is here. We will add one more only in case you send us some recommendations. This time we show you shops from eastern Europe, Asia and Australia.

SLOVENIA – It is the most developed country among so called “new EU countries” and it is pretty small. So you cannot be surprised that only one recumbent dealer is there. Peter Ostervesnik runs his  Udobnoposvetu (it means something like: “comfortably around the world”) and in his offer you can find wide range of recumbents and trikes from european producers. He has started with AZUB recumbents about three years ago and he also ride his AZUB HardCore together with Nazca Fuego. His web page is nice to see even if you do not understand.


Recumbent dealer in Slovenia

HUNGARY – Near to hungarian capital Budapest in village called Budakalasz you can find the best recumbent shop east from Germany with plenty of high end US and EU recumbents together with their cheaper versions. The shop was founded about three years ago too and has quite a lot of interesting projects as a promotion. If you go around, try to visit them or look at  A.M. Bringa


Recumbent dealer in Hungary

Let´s go far more eastern to south Asia and than continue south. We cannot provide much comments about following shops but if you wonder how look web pages of asian and australian web pages let´s continue reading and clicking.

SOUTH KOREARecumbent Korea –  This web page can look a little bit strange (mostly because of the language) but it seems that there are quite some informations and also some blogs around. We wonder how much bikes they sell per year…


Recumbent dealer in South Korea

JAPANCycletech is quite known shop which has been already working for many years. They are mainly interested in folding bikes but also quite some recumbents are in their offer. It is pretty strange that no real recumbent producer is there so most of the bikes have to be imported from eithr US or Europe.


Recumbent dealer in Japan


Recumbent dealer in Australia

AUSTRALIATri Sled is mainly known as a producer of very fast velomobiles, but they have also some recumbents improted from Europe in their offer.

NEW ZEALANDGreenbike – really too far from us to comment and not many info on their web :-]


Recumbent dealer in New Zealand

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